Thursday, October 27, 2011

Florida trip part 1- Dinosaur world

Oh dear. Hard to get back to life in this BITTER COLD climate. I know I shouldn't whine since it really is beautiful for this time of year, but when you've been in a GORGEOUS climate for 2 weeks it's kinda hard to get back into the swing of things. Thank goodness the kids all went to bed early last night. They were all up without having to be awakened this morning and shipped off to school. With the exception of Hayley but I always have to wake her up :)

So would you like a little glimps into our wonderful holiday? Mom, dad and grandma all took great care of us in spite of mom's lack of an arm. Mom is having a hard time with her 'poof' getting just right. Seems none of us can get it perfect. We're not sure how she is going to survive going back to work and not having grandma there to do her hair!! Good luck mom!!

So things got off to a rocky start when Steve decided to play midnight hockey and broke a knuckle. He got home at 4:15 am, just in time to get all the kids up and off to the airport. He's lucky he made it home or we would've left without him!! I know....not real sympathetic am I?!

Anyhow, after a delicious lunch at Bob Evans (they have AMAZING pumkin bread) we headed to dinosaur world. It was a lovely hot day.

The kids got to sift in the sand and find fossils. They could keep any 3. My girls apparently like shark teeth!

then they got to get right in and dig!!

Okay so that is all for post #1. We had a super fun day and I think successfully wore everyone out. Now you will have to wait a few hours (like you will probably be in bed as it will be late) for the posting of part 2 - the beach, as I have to get supper ready and get to Hayley's parent/teacher interview. Yes we are back into it full swing.

Love Jen and family

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