Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy days still....

Just some pictures of the skating party we went to a few weeks ago. Chelsea's first time on skates. She did great. Can't stand on her own yet, but enjoyed it anyhow.

First of all, Rebecca Watkins, I can't seem to post on your blog :( and I don't have an email address. Can you please send me one when you have a moment? Thanks!!! Enjoy hunting season! My hubby is off to Saskatchewan for 3 days in search of his trophy! I honestly hope he has a great time but the timing is kinda terrible! Hayley has an appointment with an ENT on Wednesday at 7:45 in the morning. Takes me about an hour to get in and parked and into the children's hospital so how on earth am I going to get 4 kids out the door at 6:45 and have 2 ready for school and 1 ready for swimming lessons??!! YIKES!!! Will have to dig out the supermom cape I guess. I am assuming her sleep study was normal and now we talk about whether or not to remove tonsils and adenoids to stop her snoring. Hmmm... not real game to put her through that but we'll see.

So we had an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend. We had the privilage of having Steve's cousin Rob Petersen, who has been laboring in Ecuador, with us for 3 nights!!! and then Specials on Sunday. We are so spoiled. It's like having a little piece of heaven in your home when the workers come to stay. He's great with the kids. They loved him.

Well I have to go get Hayley in an hour to take her to the dentist so I better get off here. Have a wonderful day.

Love Jen.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final warm thoughts

So I accidently wrote first and when you do that, loading pictures after, the pictures end up on top!! So happy picture looking and then the rest of the 'stuff' is at the end. Enjoy.

lego cities. pictures that should have been on the last blog

and a girl too tired out to go any more. wow. Abby looks A LOT like Kylie in the photo below!

This is Steve on holidays.

2 blogs in one day!! What's this you ask? It's called house clean-supper done-supper cleaned up- outside is blizzarding - fire is going - kids are playing. So here I sit and await my prince. He did my Christmas shopping today since he was already in the city and the sale ends today. He took my list to Toys-R-us and asked a lady where the stuff was - she just walked around and filled the cart for him. Talk about lazy shopping. Or perhaps smart shopping??

So the last day in Florida since we had to do our packing etc... we had a pretty quiet day. Steve and I went looking for an extra suitcase and enjoyed a coffee together, and then headed over for a quick swim at Chris and Michelle's awesome pool. Funny story - Steve and I were browsing and bought something for Chelsea and long story short this lady says "You have 4 kids and you still LIKE each other??!" She was serious and just absolutely amazed. She was further blown away by the fact we'd been married almost 10 years. Seriously? People don't like each other once kids come along? and isn't 30, 40, 50 years of marriage a greater feat?? Sad world we live in. Anyhow, once again I'm off on a tangent. Here are more photos for you. Please pray the snow ends soon or I will get stuck in the driveway attempting to get groceries tomorrow!!

Next part in Florida trip

So since today is a day to reminisce about what warm weather actually feels like, I will attempt to blog about our second last day in Florida. Let me tell you about today. The weather fairies have something against me having time out on the town by myself. This is the second time in 2 weeks that I have had to cancle my evening plans because of the stinkin weather. Stupid snow storm. I officially declare that I WILL be a snowbird when I am legally able to be one. I did attempt to take Kylie to swimming lessons and we made it there and back with no disasters, but when the truck drivers are even saying they won't drive the highways....I guess I won't attempt it with my minivan! It's actually not too icy, it's just super windy so there are drifts across the road that are hard to plow through, and some places it's hard to tell where the road ends and the ditch begins!! I didn't see 1 single snowplow when I was out. Talk about disappointing! This is NOVEMBER people, and we live in CANADA!!! Oh and I had a little transmission fluid explosion the other day too so now we have to put MORE money into the van. The $3000 we put into it last month wasn't enough I guess. Grrr.....So....I digress...

LEGOLAND! The perfect place for your 2-77 year old. Actually there wasn't too many rides for the 2 year old so she got to hang out with her grandmas more often then not.

An early start so we can get to the park before it opens.

Chelsea was terrified of Mr. legoman. That's why she's missing!!Grandma had a thing for the plumber. Hahaha.
Abby trying to figure out where we are and where we go to next!Steve took about 6 million pictures of this ride for some reason! HA! I narrowed it down to 2.Yes all these things are made out of lego! AMAZING!Abby and me trying not to get too wet!! The other girls wanted to go on the roller coaster but Abby didn't so we went on this instead.

Driving school Thanks for the drinks grandma! They were badly needed! A good bandaid too for a sore elbow!

Lego men ski show You pull yourself up by the rope to get to the top. Not as hard as it sound apparently.

So that was legoland! Another great experience that the kids still talk lots about, and a place that will definately be on the list to go back to. They were only open 10-5 but they stayed open an hour later because it was so busy. You really do need 2 days to do everything.

Next on the list - a short visit to Chris and Michelle's pool.

Coming soon - skating party and Chelsea on skates for the first time.

Stay tuned.

Love you all,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

PART 5?? I've lost track

I've actually lost track of my brain. AGAIN!! I think it is still on holidays. All day I thought it was Monday. Turns out it's actually Tuesday! Then I forgot Hayley's music again for piano so Steve had to run it to me on his way home from work (I don't claim responsibility to this as Hayley should look after her OWN music). I hate days like this. It seems they come more often now. It's hard getting old.

We also had to throw out most of the halloween candy and freeze the rest. Hayley reacts so badly to lots of sugar. So she is sick, has the runs, and her itchy torso rash is back. Happens every time there is a party or some occasion for an overload of sugar. She gets super dizzy too. She has been tested for diabetes but it was negative. Must just be sensitive. I'm trying us all on a low g.i. diet to see if it helps. So far it's pretty easy as the kids love salad, fruits, and veggies, and water. It's probably hardest for me, the sweet tooth!

So here is our piratess, Dr. Campbell, hippy chick, and our little pumpkin. We did the acerage culdesac with the Howden kids and then headed home so it wasn't too late a night which was good. Kids had school today and it was hard getting them up but they went to bed easy! Chelsea is still doing great in her big girl bed. I didn't get up at all last night. I must say I am loving my big girl bed too. I can't believe that a person can actually wake up and feel awake in the morning!!

Here are our 4 'things' with the mother of all things in the middle. Heehee. I thought it was cute. Had to trim out my legs. My skirt had ridden up and it's way too short!! YIPES!
Saturday found us at the children's museum. A very cool place for little humans. They had a great time. Even Hayley was wanting to go back when we were finished.

Isn't the above a cool climbing structure?

Kylie LOVES big mascot type things. She hugs and hugs and hugs......

Playing goalie.

Discovered after this day that Abby, like her aunty Jessica, is allergic to face paint. OOPS!

So more great fun was had by all. I will have to save legoland for another day as I am ready for bed. Tomorrow is: Hayley to school, drop Kylie off at school, head to swimming lessons with Abby, pick Kylie up, do some banking for the preschool, eat lunch and try to get some laundry done! Hopefully my brain comes back from holidays.