Thursday, November 17, 2011

Next part in Florida trip

So since today is a day to reminisce about what warm weather actually feels like, I will attempt to blog about our second last day in Florida. Let me tell you about today. The weather fairies have something against me having time out on the town by myself. This is the second time in 2 weeks that I have had to cancle my evening plans because of the stinkin weather. Stupid snow storm. I officially declare that I WILL be a snowbird when I am legally able to be one. I did attempt to take Kylie to swimming lessons and we made it there and back with no disasters, but when the truck drivers are even saying they won't drive the highways....I guess I won't attempt it with my minivan! It's actually not too icy, it's just super windy so there are drifts across the road that are hard to plow through, and some places it's hard to tell where the road ends and the ditch begins!! I didn't see 1 single snowplow when I was out. Talk about disappointing! This is NOVEMBER people, and we live in CANADA!!! Oh and I had a little transmission fluid explosion the other day too so now we have to put MORE money into the van. The $3000 we put into it last month wasn't enough I guess. Grrr.....So....I digress...

LEGOLAND! The perfect place for your 2-77 year old. Actually there wasn't too many rides for the 2 year old so she got to hang out with her grandmas more often then not.

An early start so we can get to the park before it opens.

Chelsea was terrified of Mr. legoman. That's why she's missing!!Grandma had a thing for the plumber. Hahaha.
Abby trying to figure out where we are and where we go to next!Steve took about 6 million pictures of this ride for some reason! HA! I narrowed it down to 2.Yes all these things are made out of lego! AMAZING!Abby and me trying not to get too wet!! The other girls wanted to go on the roller coaster but Abby didn't so we went on this instead.

Driving school Thanks for the drinks grandma! They were badly needed! A good bandaid too for a sore elbow!

Lego men ski show You pull yourself up by the rope to get to the top. Not as hard as it sound apparently.

So that was legoland! Another great experience that the kids still talk lots about, and a place that will definately be on the list to go back to. They were only open 10-5 but they stayed open an hour later because it was so busy. You really do need 2 days to do everything.

Next on the list - a short visit to Chris and Michelle's pool.

Coming soon - skating party and Chelsea on skates for the first time.

Stay tuned.

Love you all,


1 comment:

  1. Legoland look like fun!! I would love to do that before we get too old!! If Berdena did I guess we can- everyone was probably exhausted by the end of the day!! Luv Mum
