Saturday, February 11, 2012

Warning: Just needed to vent.

I need a holiday somewhere really hot where I can soak up some real vitamine D. I'm feeling blue. My children and I have been trapped in the house for too long with no spouse/dad around, I've been cleaning the house and doing laundry for a was clean for meeting and then my disrespectful children destroyed it in no time we have the workers coming (this is the good part) and I get to start cleaning all over again. Then Chelsea shot me in the face with a nerf gun and I lost it!!! So Steve took the kids and ran. Hope he brings home food. I'm hungry. Don't you wish you were here?

1 comment:

  1. Chin up! :-) You don't have to be a perfect mother or a perfect house cleaner... not even a perfect wife. So... vent away, you'll feel better and go have a bath and hot cup of tea. Life is always better then.
