Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well I guess I am a little behind in the blog world. I think that perhaps this is a better way to express ones self than facebook. I have no problems with FB, in fact I will probably keep my account to snoop at what others are up to, but how many of those people really care about my life? I know I don't care about half of theirs, and the ones I do care about, well....we can email or phone each other right?

Today my little girl came home from school with a butterfly to color and decorate. So she's sitting there at her little desk and she says " Mom how do you spell grandpa?" So I say "G-R-A...." Well you get the picture. Then I say "Hayley what are you doing?" and I look over at this butterfly and it has "grandpa" written across the middle and big blue tears coming from it's eyes. If I had known how much understanding a 6 year old could have about never seeing grandpa again, I could have better prepared her for his death. Alas, I failed in that regard and will rely on God to help her have better understanding and comfort.

My peanut Abby was saying grace today and she said "Amen. Oh wait...." and then she whispers "Pray for grandpa. Amen." Ahhhh the sweetness of a child.

I've had a hymn going through my mind. Not sure why this one in particular, but it says "Sometimes you sit and ponder, over your life so vain. Knowing the God who gave will one day require it again." Food for thought in those little verses. Grandpa didn't have much in a natural sense.....not piles of 'stuff' really. But he had 3 professing kids, all 6 professing grandkids, and 10 little great grandkids with hopeful futures. What more could a person want. I often have to remind myself when the bank threatens to dip in the negative and my dream house folder gets dustier with the years, that "I (will) have no greater joy than to see my children walking in truth." Even if I have to live in the house where the ants love the downstairs bathroom forever.

Well it is now 1 in the morning, and frankly I'm quite sick of typing since I have been doing it for 5 hours, so I am going to go drink more of my laxative syrup, go to bed, and pray for a big bowel movement in the morning. Now aren't you glad you read my blog?

1 comment:

  1. Good to be updated on which specialist that Kylie is seeing next!!! I love the way you described Kylie- what a lovely tribute to a beautiful little girl.
    Luv Gramma and Grampa
