Saturday, April 10, 2010

Positive thoughts from the Valley

I feel a bit like I am going through a 'valley experience'. Perhaps the good part of that is there is no where to go but up!! I can look around and dwell on the things that I don't have that everyone else in life seems to have, or I can focus on what I DO have that few other do.
1. Hope
2. Praying parents....the reason I am where I am and have what I have.
3. A husband who loves his family more than anything and works very hard to support us. Who still has the time and energy to give his kids airplane rides, or push them on the swing, or build them bunk beds even when he is tired from work. Who can have a spiritual conversation with you. Who doesn't laugh at you when you start a 'dream house' folder and get all excited about the house you will likely never have anyhow. Who lets you stay home to raise the kids. There is no husband like mine ANYWHERE out there.
4. Four of the most gorgeous daughters ever created.
5. A roof over my head, food on the table, and clothing (we're all grateful I have this one!!).

I hope no one actually reads this blog because it's been a bit of a downer lately and I promise I'm not normally like this. I just need to vent. I am so very very very very tired. I am up at 4 every morning to get Chelsea a bottle, which may seem fine since I can go back to bed, but I only went to bed at 1 in the morning since I have to type all evening, and am up again at 6:30 on Hayley's school days to get her ready and off, and by then the others are up so I'm up for the day. That makes 5.5 hours of interrupted sleep a night. I cannot function like this much longer. I find things are bothering me that absolutely SHOULD NOT be bothering me, and my little feelers hurt way too easily.

That being said.....I am going to bed. I wish for all 'mountain top experiences' and perhaps one day I will be able to join you.



  1. I read it :) chin up.... love ya.

  2. It's the valley experiences where we can dig wells and get water. It's where the grass is green and the flowers grow. The top of the mountain is bare but we get a great view. So while in the valley you can get the strength to climb the mountain and see the view. We loves you too...Mom and Dad
