Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Time is passing oh so way too quickly...

How is it that 3 kids can be so completely different and be made out of similar genes? We have Hayley the boss and the eager to please, Abby the sensitive and emotional, Kylie the lover AND fighter. Hmmm.....I have come to the conclusion that when the baby pops out, an instruction manual should follow. I would even endure labour twice for that! But alas that's not how it works so I guess we will bumble our way through life. We heard at covention of a mother who stated there was a lot of prayers said at her kitchen sink. I can see my sink having a similar story to tell. Especially when these 3 add hormones into the bloodstream.

Another interesting thing this month. At 1 week shy of 2 years old, Kylie decided to potty train herself. Literally with no help from me. I wanted to wait until AFTER convention. She didn't. She wakes up dry every morning and takes herself to the bathroom whenever she needs to go during the day! NO MORE DIAPERS!!! WOOHOO!!!! Okay for 2 more months anyhow. But I'm thinking this is great after 2 that were very difficult to train.

Our summer, if you can call it that, it going so very very fast. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. I'm having a hard time winding down from babysitting. There is so much to do around the house that I couldn't do in the winter with extra kids and it's not that hot, so we're just hanging out around the house. I start prenatal aquasize tonight and am really looking forward to that. I loved it when I did it before. Even if it's not that much exercise, it's still kinda nice to get out.

I have to put in 20 hours a week into my course now that I am on an extention too so that is keeping me up until the wee hours of the morning. Thank goodness for kids that just crawl into bed and read comics until I feel like getting up in the morning.

Okay this is really dull so I should go. Oh by the way we sold our trailer. I was thinking 'well....with the economy the way it is, it may take awhile to sell.' so I listed it about 2 or 3 weeks before convention hoping we'd still have it for then. The thing sold in 3 days!!!!!!! Feels so great to have that money in the bank....or paid off of the line of credit I guess you'd say. We found an amazing tent and I didn't miss the trailer at all. We were toasty warm every night in spite of some rain, and I even kicked off the covers one night!!!! Now......what else can I sell. The house??? I have a plan all drawn up for the next one ;) Well......that'll likely be years. I may not be in love with my house, but I do like our small bit of land too much to move right now.

Have a spectacular July. At the rate I am going, the next post just may be to welcome baby Campbell the 4th. Here is a little video of Kylie in love with her birthday card from gramma K.

Hugs and kisses

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay so I'm not procrastinating. I am actually taking the day off. Tuesdays are absolutely horrid on my nerves anyhow, and we only got home at 9 since we had to grocery shop after soccer, so I am ready to head to bed with my cup of tea! Or I would do that if tea didn't make me throw up of course. IT's so wierd. Had the same problem with Abby's pregnancy. Couldn't drink tea the whole 9 months without getting sick.
So there are some bad fires burning just North East of the city. The whole sky is one big haze and the smell is enough to burn your throat. They are really hoping for rain tonight. Doesn't look too promising. One of the main problems is the wind keeps changing directions on them. floods and fires....swine flu....what next?

So soccer looked like piles of fun!And totally exhausting!! They did 2 laps around the 3 mini soccer fields, then did some drill type work, then separated the 3,4, and 5 year olds onto seperate fields, and played a little game. Hayley ran for the entire 75 mintues!!! It'll be so good for her. Then near the end they sent some 5 year olds over to the 6 year old team, and they asked Hayley (cuz she's so awesome of course) but she said she'd rather stay there because she was afraid the big kids would take the ball from her! HA!

We find it so interesting to watch Hayley with a teacher or instructor. She concentrates so hard on what they are saying and tries to absorb everything. It makes her a cautious student, almost needing to have approval to go to the bathroom. Very interesting. Classic first born perfectionism comming out. I am having fun reading about birth order and am a strong believer in how it shapes personality.

Here are some pictures. Hayley's shorts are too big making her look a little like a fat little boy, but she was so cute and did so well!! ALMOST scored a goal.

And this is the princess house that Steve brought home from a lady at work. I am needing a bigger basement I think.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


My life is too busy to be interesting these days, so I don't have much to write about, but I am procrastinating, so I am sure somthing will come to mind.

I have until June 19th to complete my school work. It's not going to happen. I THINK I could be done by July 19th, but that would mean a dedicated 20 hours a week to studying. This is indeed a problem when you are the sole evening caregiver! Once supper and baths and reading and snuggles and cleaning up the house are done, the last thing I want to do is concentrate on anything!! Now here is the bigger issue. There is a slight possibility that my dear man will be jetting off to the big cty of wainwright for a job in about June, which means COMPLETE single parenting all day and all night for who knows how long. I have mixed feelings about it. The money would be good. The summer spent alone would be terrible. Yes we could always go camp with him for a few weeks, but I would be need to be home if I don't finish my schooling, and I'd prefer to have the baby born here then on the highway between Edmonton and Wainwright. No point in getting too worked up......his company doesn't even have the job for sure yet. We will know by the end of this week....at which time Steve is also done nights. YAE!!!!!!

The little people all have terrible colds so that keeps life interesting too. Maybe it's swine flu!!! I think people in gospel meeting were wondering why I brought my children. Abby coughed so much I was wondering whether I should catch the puke in her skirt or mine. She saved the day by not throwing up. Kylie did it instead when we got home! Motrin here we come. For you parents....if Tylenol isn't cutting it....Motrin is heavenly. It lasts twice as long. Better for a good night's sleep.

And here is some information I'm sure you all want. I got the nastiest bladder infection I have ever had in my life this last week. WOW! I went through a 4 liter jug of cranberry juice (Yikes! Bitter!) and am ingesting antibiotics to try to relieve the pain. But I have still, at 20 weeks 4 days, only gained 4 pounds. This lack of weight gain is just so great!

Okay I have been on here long enough. I try to tell myself....if you want to see Steve at all this summer, GET TO WORK! So here I go.

Oh and we got new tires on the van so that was fun, and we got our tax rebate, so on the 15th we get new soffit, fascia, and eavestrough! WOOHOO!! I can think of other things to spend it on, but one must stay warm and dry right?

Have a pleasant week everyone. We will update perhaps after our ultrasound in a few weeks. We have decided not to share the sex of the baby even if we find out but I can let you know if it has 25 toes or something. Sorry. I know. Not fair. Oh well.

Happy days. I am really gone now......

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Campbell's Chaotic Adventures

What a day. I need to be doing some school work right now, sounds like the kids are sleeping, but I am pooped right out.

Steve is working nights, as I may have mentioned earlier, and it is pretty rough on him. He is looking pretty tired these days. He comes home to deliver our day's supply of water, then heads back in to sleep at grandpa and grandma where it is nice and quiet, and then gets up and does it all again. I can't wait until this is over. I have the easy end of the deal, but I sure miss his help at bedtime, and feel like I hardly get to see him.

So last night Steve was taking the meeting and I was leading the singing since D&C were on holidays, and for some reason my 2 oldest children decided it would be the rare meeting where they DESPERATLY (according to them) needed to pee. So they choose the bathroom where the absolutely MASSIVE dog is being held hostage. He sees his opportunity and BOUNDS into the meeting room. Now this dog is easily Abby's height. It is an old english sheep dog, and he is very happy to be set free and see all these people. So he tries to knock over the poor girl giving her testimony, everyone gets the giggles, Hayley comes back bawling because it scared her, and Abby refuses to come out of the bathroom until I come get her! ARGH!!!! I have never been so embarassed.

I had my monthly doctor's appointment today and he's all confident that we're having another GIRL! This is all based on the baby's heart rate. I have a doctor who is fond of old wives tales, but he was right on when he guessed Hayley so I was a bit bummed out. 4 girls would be great but I was kinda hoping for a change of scenery (escape from all the pink). But we'll wait and have that confirmed later. On the happy side of things, at 18 weeks I haven't gained any weight!! This is great when I'm used to packing on 60 pounds or so in the last 3 experiences. I'm just waiting for the explosion to hit. I don't know how a person can eat 50,000 calories a day and not gain a pound or two :)

Then we finally came home for a few hours and had to take Charlie in for his shots. That was choatic in itself because I had all 3 girls, Steve of course was sleeping, and they were cranky because it was bedtime. We get on our way home, after I forgot to pay the vet because I just wanted out of there, and Hayley is screaming that she has to pee RIGHT NOW! Or she is going to wet herself. So I pull into Tim Hortons, drag everyone ot the bathroom, feel obligated to buy a few timbits, and then struggle to get everyone back into the van without Charlie escaping. Wait a minute.....where's Kylie???? Oh there she is.....she's standing in the drive through line up!!!!

So you tell me......WHY AM I HAVING 4 KIDS??? I can hardly manage the ones I've got. Kylie is the equivalent of about 15 kids! Thank goodness I'm blond or I would be completely gray!!

Happy days to you all. I saw buds on the trees today and that made me very happy. I am so excited for summer. Steve is getting some money back from the government (until they audit us like they do every year and steal it all back) so we might be able to get some insulation into the ceiling and warm the house up, fix the eaves, soffit and fascia that are literally falling to pieces, and install a rain barrel to water my upcoming garden!

I am also thrilled that we will be finishing our fire pit this spring. You know...I may have an old house that needs lots of work and more bedrooms, but for the first time I finally feel like I could live here for a long while. I just love our little bit of land. For those who know me this is quite a shock. I do get restless and like to move several times a year:)

Well I will let you go and leave you with a few photos.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Talented Abby

Hope this video isn't too big to put on here. It's so cute. Taken by one of the young kids that babysits for us now and then:)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Last day of a glorious??? break!

My mother has been complaining that she hasn't had any blog updates or pictures and there is no excuse since it is spring break. The problem, comes when you have the flu in your house for 3 days, a sinus cold, a migraine....and the list goes on and on and on. So much for dreams of painting my baseboards and house! I like to think that it is my body cleansing itself to not be sick again for a very very long time now!! I don't know 1 household that hasn't had the flu yet. They say it is because we have had so much fluctuation in our weather, that there is an overabundance of snow mold, which leads to upper respiratory cold/flu type illnesses. Interesting. The other interesting thing, is that our youngest, who has the most amazing immune system, only got a cold. She is the only one in the house that hasn't thrown up. And.....she is the only one who was strictly formula fed. Hmmm.....

So isn't that baby on the sidebar creepy? I think so. But I still find it interesting the 4th time around to keep up with it's development.

It is 10:30, and my eldest daughter is still sleeping. It's a bit ridiculous. She just went through a huge growth spurt, and last night she woke up several times in tears because of growing pains in her legs!!! She's going to be a giant if she doesn't slow down!! We won't be able to afford to keep her in clothes. Salvation army here we come!

My big girl turned 5 recently, and this month, my middle monkey will be 3!! In ape-rill she says.

Well, this is rather boring since we've been housebound all week, so I will leave you with a few shots. Picture #1: Kylie fell down. Didn't seem like a big deal. She screamed so Steve picked her up and held her for a minute then tried to distract her by having her look at Charlie playing outside and noticed there was blood everywhere! Turns out she'd almost put her front teeth right through her lip. Gave me chills to even look at it! Picture #2: Abby and her friend going for a ride in the wagon. Picture #3: I was in bed with my migraine. Heard a commotion and came down to find Kylie on the counter taking out all the mugs and bowls! You should've seen the house after I'd been sick and they'd had free reign for 2 days straight. YIKES!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Don't you just love when the weather gets above 0? The kids think it's a blast! I went to Annie last night with Jess and her friend Charlene and Steve got to stay and play with some kids. It looks like they had a pile of fun outside. Here's some pictures. Plus a little video of my slightly odd child waving at an airplane. She doesn't look very 'normal' in this little clip. I guess I have 2 simple children:)

Along with spring comes......new life! Actually the new life will come mid September, but it's baking anyhow. Yes we are having the final edition of the Steve and Jen prodigy in another 27 weeks. We're pretty excited. 4 kids. Lets hope I keep sane. September will be a flurry of activities with grammie's 90th, Aussie company, Hayley starting school, new baby..... I plan on doing NOTHING but sitting in a chair with a book and an ice tea, for all of August!!

We went to the play gym today to pass some time. Made me very thankful that I can be at home to look after my own children. Who cares if it means being broke. There are some nannies there with some children and the children are beyond mean!! One boy walked up to the little car Kylie was driving around, tipped it on it's side, dumped Kylie out, and stole the car!!!! Kylie thankgoodness can defend herself, and I let her! But then Abby was in the other car, and a girl Hayley's age came and shoved her out and took it! Unbelievable. Abby just stood there in tears. I think she needs to learn JUDO! I went up to the girl who said "hey that's mine." and I said "NO! That's Abby's." She took it anyways. I would've grabbed it away from her but then thought that'd put me at her level. Abby and I just snuggled. Some people's children. Guess they can't all be perfect as mine. HAHAHahahahaha. Okay that was funny I know.

Kylie has another black eye! Well, the side of her face. We got home, she spilled her water, slipped in it, and fell head first off the chair! Oops.

okay well I don't really have anything else earth shattering to share. Hope your days are springier and the sun is brightly shining.

Love Jen

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wondering where my sanity has gone!

Well life is never dull around here, but unfortunately it's not fun! How is that possible? Well lets see... I started babysitting full time and I am soooo tired. We go out every day, twice a week to pick up the one girl from school, and twice a week to take hayley to and from school. So needless to say, getting 5 kids bundled up and seatbelted in is totally exhausting. I admit it.....I'm in it for the money!! It has been a good experience for me, I know I could never have 5 kids. I think Steve is grateful for that revelation.

We got over the lice thankgoodness, but then Kylie got ringworm!! Probably from Charlie, who gets dewormed on Thursday. Then she fell down, hit her face on the play table and got a winner of a shiner! She also got into the diaper cream and smeared it everywhere!!! although I admit she did a good job with her face. Looked like shaving cream. What is it with my children that they feel the need to smear cream everywhere?? How long until Kylie is at school full time?? Hmmm....

Abby is now waking up dry from night time so I can say she is 100% poty trained. That is so exciting. She has been day trained for several months now, but still had to wear a pull up to bed. 1 month before she turned 3. Whew.....what a long process.

Hayley had her kindergarter orientation the other day and now asks me every morning if it is time for kindergarten! I'm glad she is looking forward to it. I am too! She will go 2 full days a week plus every other Friday for a full day. I'm hoping for the Monday/Wednesday class so it won't be hard getting her up after a late Wednesday night.

Steve is working hard and soon going to be working nights for a few weeks. That should be intereting. I told him he'd better find somewhere else to sleep as he'll get none here with 5 girls running around squealing. So I think he's going to go hang out with grandpa.

As for me.....well.....just trying to keep sane in a too busy life.

Dad's storytelling was just too boring:)

Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been so long since I've written that I actually have a few things to say!

First of all, let me introduce Charlie. The newest member of the family. A boy for Steve to go fishing with when the estrogen levels get too high in the house. He is a lab/german shephard cross. Just like Missy!! For all you who knew her. Best dog in the world next to Benji (protector of Jen's domain). So Charlie is only 5 weeks old. We had planned on ol' C being an outdoor dog since he will be big and stinky. Turns out they aren't supposed to be let outdoors permanently until they have had their second set of shots. BROTHER! So he is temporarily an indoor dog. As much as I love him, I am either going to have to diaper him, or he will be booted outside soon. As if I don't have enough to deal with, he pees all over the floor and chooses the hardwood with the biggest gap to poop in!! And this process happens every 10 minutes. Literally. Thankgoodness for kids who think it's fun to clean up his messes.

To top off a busy few weeks, Hayley and Abby and I ( mine is either psychological or realistic I don't know) have come down with LICE!!! What a mess. I have about 14 loads of laundry to do since all our blankets are down filled and I can only do 1 at a time, have to wash the furniture and spray it, freeze the pillows, spray the mattresses, do the hair rinse and comb outs....here is what they look like. Appetizing isn't it?

But aside from all that, we had a spectacular time in Florida. The weather didn't cooperate too much, but it was just nice to be there and see mom and dad again. It had been 2 years since we'd been. Wish we could get there more often. Also met up with Michael and DeAnn while we were there so that was fun too. Feel jealous for the other grandmas and aunt that are going next week some time. Oh to be rich and travel all the time.

Steve is starting night shift soon. That should be interesting. I am also starting full time on March 1st babysitting. Well, not really full time I guess. I have Thursdays off and I only babysit from 9:30-4. Anyone want my hours? I feel so lucky to be able to stay home with the kids and have hours like that and make more than I would working outside the home. It's great babysitting for a teacher too as I have summers and spring break etc... off.

Well that is all I have to share. I guess this is turning into a monthly update. So look back next month for more thrilling posts from us!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dog narrowly escapes death!!

Should've just killed the thing really. I tried to avoid him, but with the rain and snow and warm weather, I went down through the ditch and up onto some sweet old man's driveway, running over a sign he had pegged into the ground telling people not to come on to his driveway. Hahahahaha. How ironic eh? I lodged the stake under the van and can't get it out for anything. I probably destroyed the van. Oh well. I can afford a new one right *eye roll*. So I'm a little mad at myself. Oh yes and I had 5 kids with me. Thankgoodness they all handled it well. Very brave young ones. I think I may have had a small heart attack. We managed to drive the vibrating van all the way home.

Swimming lessons is over again until May. Hayley was 1 of 2 out of 5 that passed! The other mothers sitting beside me were a little upset. They felt that the teacher gave Hayley more attention because she was the only girl in the class, and because she's a girl she doesn't act up!!! Oh boy....you can tell they don't know girls very well. Just teach your antsy boys to behave! That's a dumb excuse I think "Oh he's just a boy." I know we went through a stage with Hayley where she wouldn't listen to the teacher, but threaten and bribe and discipline a bit and now she's okay. So they were mad (didn't realize I was 'that girl's' mom and I was eavesdropping. I giggled to myself.) The lady who sat on the other side of me spent the whole lesson complaining about her husband. I felt like standing on the bench and saying "Listen parents.....if you can't say anything nice......" So one more lesson for Hayley and then she's in the red cross program. I'm glad she can jump off the diving board and get back to the edge now. A little less stressful. Abby starts the preschool swim lessons in May.

We are getting very very excited for our trip to Florida. We leave in 2 sleeps!!! Steve is tired and ready to relax. I'm ready to shop shop and shop and swim and tan!!!!

Well I will leave you with a video of the girls singing (Kylie is actually saying 'cheeeeeeese' because she thinks I am taking her picture). The picture is Abby at supper last night. She fell asleep at 5:30, woke up for about 30 minutes at 8:30, and then went back to sleep for the night!! She must've been worn right out.

Have a very pleasant end of the month!!!!! Imagine.....spring is only 50 days away!!! Then it's birthday central. Hayley-5 in March, Abby-3 in April, Kylie-2 in June!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Winter wonderland....or is it???

Welcome to Alberta, where we wake up to +2, go to lunch when it starts getting so windy that the heavy snow coming down starts blowing sideways and the temp drops to -10, then the sun comes out, but on the way home at supper time, it's hailing!!! Oh well. That is life here in this country.

So yesterday we met up with Lars & Artica and their kids, Uncle John and Aunty Bev, and Jess and Glen and kids to watch the IMAX the Alps! It was pretty amazing. In fact, Steve is planning his next big trip to be to Switzerland! It is such gorgeous country with all the little villages scattered in the valleys of the mountains.

Then Glen and Jess came back for supper and the kids went skating on the little rink in the backyard. Was a good day, although tiring.

Here is a few videos of the kids skating. (Good grief these videos take forever to load). Have a spectacular week. We have plans to do swimming lessons, babysit, go to the playplace, and that's about all! Now don't you all wish you could be here?

21 days until our Florida trip. YAE!!!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Snowmobile pictures

The top black spec is Mark upside down, and the bottem speck is Steve. You think it'd be more fun to ride upright??
This is what a burnt snowmobile engine looks like up close.

At least the view was gorgeous.

Yeah Steve...that's tree. Should've turned another foot to the right. He's glad I wasn't there backseat driving :)

Taking a break?

I just thought you might be interested in seeing some pictures of the snowmobiling experience. These just got sent to me which is nice since Steve didn't have a camara with him.
Today is the last day of holidays for me. January is just going to be INSANE~ Hayley had swimming lessons today. She is the only girl in her class!! Seems that 2004 was the year of the boy. There are very few 4 year old girls in swimming or preschool. The girls we do know that will go to her school are all only children. Just found that kind of interesting. This is the last round of preschool swim classes and then she will start the red cross course. Not sure if we'll do that on our own since she gets lessons as part of school anyhow.
Well I need a sweater. I'm freezing. Go figure. One of the warmest days we've had in a long time and I am frozen. Could be the cold pepsi I am drinking I guess.
GO CANADA GO!! They are to beat Sweden for gold tonight!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Diarrhea diaries

Our house has become infected with a diarrhea bug. It's great really. Cleans out the system. Steve caught it first, and 2 weeks later is just starting to get rid of it. I was introduced to it today. The awful part is that not only does Starbucks make it worse, you don't feel sick with it! Why is that so bad you ask? Well you will be happily playing a game of canasta or scrabble with your husband and listening to the hockey game, and all of a sudden you've gotta go!!! Have you ever tried running up a flight of stairs with your cheeks clentched tightly so you don't spill out? It should really be an olympic event. Then you get sat down and absolutely explode. The sound effect are enough to make you laugh until your guts DO hurt and your husband is cheering you on from the kitchen!

So tonight we went to eat a our favorite little Japanese place called Teriyaki corner. They have the world's best spring rolls. In fact our kids can polish off 5 or 6 each!! Steve and I usually accompany it with a chicken rice bowl and a glass of peach bubble tea for him and watermellon for me. Have you had bubble tea? It's a very unique taste. It is basically flavored green tea with these big 'pearls' on the bottem. They are basically coconut balls but chewy like tapioca. Then to top it all off, regardless of the fact it is -34, Steve ordered a bowl of green tea ice cream. I didn't enjoy that. It was like chewing on tree bark. If you ever come visit us we will take you there. You sit to eat on a large swing! Fun!

Canada beat Russia today with the oiler's draft pick scoring in the last 5 seconds to tie it up and then winning in a shoot out. They will play Sweden in the gold metal game. How exciting. Oiler's won tonight as well.

Tomorrow is our niece Mia's birthday! She will be the big 4. We will go eat butterfly cake after meeting tomorrow. Gramma is sick so it's nice to have lunch plans. She misses the kids when she doesn't do Sunday lunch. We will have to drop in later in the week when she is feeling better.

Christmas by the way was a blast. It has been bitterly cold these last few weeks of holidays thogh so that's a bummer. It is to warm up considerably on Monday when everyone heads back to work. Hayley starts swimming Monday and wednesday mornings and I babysit the rest of the days of the week so it is going to be extremely busy. I am looking forward to February with great excitment. Feb.1st we are off to Florida!!! Have all my shopping money all saved up.

Well I am going to sign off now and will leave you with a few photos for your viewing pleasure.

Love Jen